Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Politicians Working To Keep The Islanders In Nassau?

 photo courtesy of http://www.nassaucountyny.gov/

According to a recent Newsday article, two politicians said that attempts were still trying to be made to keep the Islanders in Nassau.

Legislator Kevan Abrahams told Newsday, "...We also want to explore keeping the [New York] Islanders [hockey team] in a revamped Coliseum, at home where they belong."  Meanwhile, Deputy County Exectutive Rob Walker said that they are still working to keep the Islanders in Nassau.  When asked about the idea of breaking his lease with the Barclays Center to move back to Nassau, Islanders owner Charles Wang laughed and then proceeded to mention that the team is still hoping to play six games per season at Ratners renovated Coliseum.

Personally, I feel this is all spin on the politician’s part to make it seem like they aren’t giving up and truly have the public’s best interest at heart.  The time to do this was years ago, not now.  It didn’t happen years ago because the politicians decided to act like children and look out for their political party rather than those who elect them to office.  The politicians made their own bed and now they are slowly going to realize that they are going to have to lay in it.

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