With this being the last season at the coli, do you expect crowd attendance to rise, also how many games do you plan on attending?
(NotMattyMarts) I do believe attendance will rise this season...we won't sell out every game but I hope we can average at least 13k a night. I plan on going to at least 10-15 games this season. I wish I could go to more but it's hard being a full-time college student who works as well to find the free time to go to games this year but I will try my best (NYIslesPride) I do think the crowds will rise drastically seeing as theirs so much history in the building and this team. I will be at college upstate next year but am going to try and attend every home game I can when I'm home and some home playoff games hopefully too!
(MattClausen) It’s tough to say where attendance will be at the barn. I expect the place to fill on weekends and matinée holiday games, but has it ever filled on a Tuesday night in November in the midst of another losing streak? I think the interest in going to the Old Barn one last time will be stronger this year and you’ll probably see it fill more after the All-Star break (god, I’m going to hate this year’s gimmickfest, but I hate them all…) regardless of where the team is in the standings. But if the team wants capacity all season, actually do something we don’t do very well: win in November, give us a reason to keep coming in December and January when we’re usually looking at the top 10 prospects going “well, who are we getting now?” As for Me, I’ll try to get in as much as I can throughout the season.
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